Elena Mistrello

Elena Mistrello

Elena Mistrello is an illustrator and cartoonist from Italy. She is a member of silkscreen printing cooperative SERIGRAFATTI and has published comics and illustrations for Beccogiallo, Stormi, Tracce Urbane of the Sapienza University, Jacobin Italia, Napoli Monitor, La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, Il Messaggero di Sant'Antonio, Teatro alla Scala in Milan, Ets edizioni and others. She has participated in several drawing and mural arts festivals including FRONTERAS (Matao, Brazil), IART (Piazza Armerina, Italy), RestART (Cassina de' Pecchi, Italy), Teatro Methapora (Madeira). Elena also took part in projects with museums and with the mountain community of the upper Lecchese, developing paths related to the visual arts and the territory, in collaboration with the Cooperativa Liberi Sogni.