Read the Book
In November 2024, the editorial team collected work from 60 artists to print in an anthology. You can read the 250-page anthology for free below. Expand the embedded box to read the book at full size.
If you want print copies of this collection, you can order the book through Crucial Comix.
Please feel free to use this book for free in educational settings, such as workshops and classes. To download a digital version of the book directly, for use in noncommercial and educational settings, here is the PDF in a Dropbox.
All profits from sales of this book will be donated to three Palestinian organizations, listed below.

Why a book?
A book can shape both public opinion and the historical record. Cartoonists have been publishing their work on Instagram and other social media, where it’s often censored and can be hard to find. This book collects dozens of comics and puts them into a format where they can reach places like schools, libraries, and bookstores, where they can be for years from now. It’s powerful to have the voices of all these artists in conversation with each other on the pages of a book, rather than everyone speaking just to their own audience.
Artists have donated their comics to the online archive, and we have offered each artist in the book a $100 honorarium for licensing their work in this print anthology.
All proceeds from the book, beyond the cost of printing, shipping, and artist honorariums, will be donated to Palestinian aid organizations. The groups we are fundraising for with this first edition are Medical Aid for Palestinians, ANERA, and Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund. We have contacted these organizations, which are based in Palestine, and received their approval to donate proceeds from this book.
Our fundraising goal of $15,000 will cover a print run of 1000 copies. Anything over $15,000 we raise will be donated directly and also once we cover the costs of printing and shipping this book run, we will begin to donate the proceeds. We will donate the proceeds periodically and update the “financial details” section of our site with receipts.
The money from preorders will be handled by Crucial Comix, who will be arranging the printing and shipping of the finished book. If you have any questions or ideas about this project, please feel free to get in touch via our website.
Contributors include:
Among the 50 contributors are: Adam Whittier, Al Benbow, BeneDí, Cooper Lit, Dimitrea Tokunbo, Douglas Lambert, Eli Valley, Ethan Heitner, Holly Casio, Jen Camper, Jen Sorensen, Jess Peng, Julia Mata, Kaitlyn Quach, Layal Safieddine, Madeline Berger, Maia Kobabe, Matt Bors, Melissa Mendes, Mohammad Sabaaneh, Rachel Deutsch, Safdar Ahmed, Sam Nakahira, Sarah Firth, Solomon J. Brager, Soolagna Majumdar, Trinidad Escobar, Zhen, Kazimir Lee
About the cover:
The cover for this book features an illustration by artist Mohammad Saba’aneh, which is used with permission from his graphic narrative Power Born of Dreams: My Story is Palestine (Street Noise Books).
Wholesale copies:
If you would like to wholesale copies of the book (such as for a bookstore or institution), please contact us to determine how much you should donate to receive the copies you need. Email: