Submit your comic

If you would like to submit a comic for publication, please fill out the form here. We’re looking to publish work that reflects on the ongoing genocide in Palestine as well as Palestine’s history of occupation and displacement. We’re prioritizing personal narratives, especially from artists who are from historically marginalized backgrounds. People can submit their own comics, or if you have a unique story to tell, let us know and we may be able to pair you up with an artist. While we appreciate and value the effort in all submissions, because of space and curatorial interests, not all comics that are submitted will be published online or in the anthology. The editorial team will review comics and will absolutely not publish content that espouses racism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, white supremacy, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, Orientalism, or Zionism. We pledge to maintain good contact with those who trust us with their submissions, within the expectations of what is possible from a small, volunteer-run organization.

You can submit finished comics or pitch ideas. Pitched ideas are more likely to be collected in the print anthology because they can be developed with editorial guidance and conform to our print template, but previously published works (such as comics posted on Instagram) are also welcome. At the moment, we are accepting comics in English or in Arabic, but may expand to include other languages in the near future.

Please note that comics are donated to this website, and we are not paying artists for work published on the website. We will be offering artists an honorarium based on preorder funds from the anthology if we ask to include their work. If chosen to be included in the print anthology, the artist will be asked for a one-time print run license for their work, which they are free to decline.

Comics can be any length, from single-panel images to longer narratives. Since these will be published online, there may be formatting issues (such as very wide panels) that we need to resolve or that make publication difficult. By following our provided templates, these formatting issues can be avoided. Creators retain all rights to their work. By submitting a comic to Cartoonists for Palestine, the artist is giving this website permission to publish it, with credit, online and on social media. 

If you would like to volunteer your time or get involved with this project, please contact:

Tell us a bit about yourself and the comic you're submitting.
One file only.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.